Great Horned Owl
Bubo virginianus
Sullivan was brought to VINS in 2017 from Sullivan County, New Hampshire. She was found on the ground, unable to fly, a victim of an unknown trauma. Upon her intake examination at the Center for Wild Bird Rehabilitation, Sullivan was diagnosed with a fracture in her left shoulder. After treatment Sullivan still had restricted use of her left wing, and therefore was not able to fly well enough for release back to the wild. Instead, she joined Nassau as an exhibit ambassador, and showed her injury wouldn’t keep her from navigating to the highest branches to show visitors how such large birds blend in with their surroundings.
Adopt Packages
Thank you for helping support the care of our Great Horned Owl, Sullivan, through the VINS Ambassador Adopt Program. Together, we can protect our natural heritage through education, research and avian wildlife rehabilitation.
Adoption Certificate
Species Fact Sheet
Color Photo
Adoption Certificate
Species Fact Sheet
Color Photo
Window Cling Decal
1 Guest Pass
Adoption Certificate
Species Fact Sheet
Color Photo
Window Cling Decal
Reusable Shopping Bag
2 Guest Passes
Adoption Certificate
Species Fact Sheet
Color Photo
Window Cling Decal
Reusable Shopping Bag
2024 Calendar
2 Guest Passes
Adoption Certificate
Species Fact Sheet
Color Photo
Window Cling Decal
Reusable Shopping Bag
Private Experience
4 Guest Passes