In memory of Orleans

Bald Eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Orleans arrived at VINS as a rehab patient in June of 2020. He struck a wind turbine in Lowell, Vermont at only a year old. A game warden was able to rescue and transport Orleans to VINS quickly, and every effort was made to treat his injuries. He suffered multiple fractures to his right wing and staff were hopeful for his release. Unfortunately, after months of exercise and careful evaluation it was determined that, though he was fairly flighted, he was not flighted enough to be released back into the wild.
Orleans was generally found perched up high in the back of the exhibit, closely watching the forest beyond. If you were lucky, you may have heard Elmwood (his enclosure-mate) and him calling to each other.
It takes five years for eagles to develop the iconic white head and tail feathers we all know and love. Orleans was still sporting his juvenile plumage at three years old.
We will miss Orleans.

Adopt Packages
Thank you for helping support the care of our Bald Eagle, Orleans, through the RISE Adopt a Raptor Program. Together, we can protect our natural heritage through education, research and avian wildlife rehabilitation.
Adoption Certificate
Species Fact Sheet
Color Photo
Adoption Certificate
Species Fact Sheet
Color Photo
Window Cling Decal
1 Guest Pass
Adoption Certificate
Species Fact Sheet
Color Photo
Window Cling Decal
Reusable Shopping Bag
2 Guest Passes
Adoption Certificate
Species Fact Sheet
Color Photo
Window Cling Decal
Reusable Shopping Bag
2023 RISE Calendar
2 Guest Passes
Adoption Certificate
Species Fact Sheet
Color Photo
Window Cling Decal
Reusable Shopping Bag
Private Experience
4 Guest Passes